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There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

Holy Water
When believers enter the church, we see them put their finger in the holy water and then draw the sign of the cross, to remember their...

September 14, Feast Of the Holy Cross
The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated on 14 September. It has its origin in Jerusalem and marks the anniversary of...

Christian schools in Israel declares open strike
Christian schools in the Holy Land has announced an indefinite strike in early September, after it ignored the Israeli Ministry of...

On August 6, local Christians and pilgrims celebrate a feast of light along with the Custos of the H
The Mount of Transfiguration. The Franciscan Church of the Transfiguration was built in 1924. The ruins include Byzantine and Crusader...

Fire fabricated from terrorists in Tabgha Church in Galilee - Holy Land
A fire broke out at the Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, early Thursday. Firefighting crews successfully...

Renovation of St. Savior Episcopal Church - Holy Land
The Archbishop of the Jerusalem Episcopal Church, Suhail Duwani, along with many Christian leaders met Palestinian Christians of Akka to...

Festive Mass in Galilee - the holy land seals on the occasion of the Blessed Virgin Mary Month.
On the occasion of the Marian month concluded Sunday prayers of this great month, the month of prayer and holiness and honor of the...

Blesseds Mariam and Marie Alphonsine, to be made saints on May 17
Pope Francis announced today in Rome that two Palestinian women will be canonized: Mariam Bauardi and Marie Alphonsine Ghattas will be...

Vandals have smashed gravestones at a Maronite Christian cemetery in the Holy Land
Vandals have smashed gravestones at a Maronite Christian cemetery in a village near Israel's northern border with Lebanon, Israeli police...

There are some Christians in the Holy Land?
Estimates are subject some Christians in the Holy Land are a source of debate and controversy. Christians now make up about 2 to 3% of...
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